Sunday, April 15, 2012

100th Anniversary of Titanic

So now that we are homeschooling I have been deperately looking for some friends that also homeschool. I found a very nice group online and was invited to go to a celebration of the 100th year since the Titanic sank.

Honeslty I was really worred about how the kids would act and their lack in knowledge in the Titanic. We just pulled them out of public school and have not offically started doing any curriculum. But I did not want to pass up this wonderful opprotunity.

First on the way there I TOTALLY got lost. Thanks GPS:) So I had to call the lady that was in charge. Now for those that know me calling someone I do not know is not an easy task. I think I sat in the parking lot for like 10 min. trying to convinve myself to do so. Finally I did. So I finally found the place and when we got there we were greeted by the Captin (the son of the lady that put this altogether) The Captin took us in and got us all dressed up for the occasion then gave us a tour of the ship. Then we went in a room and started learning all these very interesting things about the Titanic. I was very proud in my kids behavior. They were asking questions and truly interested in everything they taught them. The lady that put this all together is so awesome. She had arts and crafts and object lessons. We even had tea time where they served scones and cucumber sandwhiches.

The kids had a great time and learned so much.

They had an area where the kids could see how they had to shovel coal to keep the engines going.

Tea Time!!!

Then they showed the kids how cold the water was. They had each kid (and adult) put their hand in icy cold salt water.

Thank you for such a great time!!!!

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